Posted in Family, irish bloggers, life, parent bloggers, Toddler


The funny thing about parenting is…. we all love the weekends! That is of course, if you have the weekend off as not all parents do. My hubby has to work the odd weekend-always has! But we all love our days off – even if the kids are so set in a routine that sometimes they drive us crazy. (I’m not going to lie!)

Paige has a habit of not eating at the weekend unless it’s just yogurts, chocolate, crisps and juice. She likes to graze. She likes to pick at things. If kids are around, she’ll wolf down her food.

But the weekend for us is family time. We get out and about, and yes, most of that time is spent shopping, going for a coffee and maybe going for the odd dinner out. The odd dinner out, used to be every weekend we’d eat out in London in the fabulous restaurants that were all 5 minutes from the house. Since we moved home, we’ve been saving so cut down on the non-necessities.

This weekend however, mummy and daddy are going away for the night on Sunday. It will be the second time we’ve left her alone. We went to Monart Spa in Wexford when she was 5 months old for the night as it was where we got engaged, many years previously. Thinking about it now, it was easier to leave her with the grandparents back then, compared to now. Obviously nearing two means she is used to her surroundings, she’s used to having us with her and putting her to sleep. She is used to sleeping in our bed – her cot-bed has become redundant.

Now it’s time for some mummy and daddy time. I am entering my final year in my twenties. We have also just had an offer accepted on a house. We are both pretty shattered. We need a night away to relax and to enjoy each others company and as selfish as that seems, sometimes parents need to have that alone time and it’s fine. I do feel bad that we’ll be leaving early on Sunday, but she’ll be spending quality time with her grandparents who are just returning from holiday.

It’s time for us to put on our fancy clothes that we can’t wear around little grubby hands and to enjoy the surroundings of a hotel. Originally we were toying with the idea of taking Paige away for a couple of nights, but sometimes, as adults, you just need a break. You need that full night’s sleep. You need to eat a meal without it ending up all over you. And that’s OKAY!

I think I was and still am quite apprehensive about leaving her, as when she wakes in the night, she cries for mummy and daddy. Even if my parents went in to her, it was mummy and daddy she wanted. So that’s part of the reason we booked a hotel in Dublin. It won’t take us long to get to her if all hell breaks lose.

Looking back on that first night away as a couple and leaving Paige for the first time, it was easier than it is now. Yes, she was still small, but she was still small enough to fall asleep with the aid of a bottle. That all stopped as soon as she hit 12 months. But we just have to suck it up. My parents reared 3 kids and we’re all still around. They’ll be well able to handle my ‘angel’ (good thing they really know what she’s like!).

So this weekend, we as parents shall be enjoying family time for one day, and then getting dressed up, like little miss Paige above, and we shall be taking one night off duty. It won’t scar her for life. It will make her miss us even more! As she keeps telling us ‘I’m not a baby’.

And I shall celebrate turning 29 with a good night’s sleep, a Jacuzzi bath as well as a sauna in the room. All with a glass of bubbly in hand! And bonus, I’ve a day off work on Monday.

So here’s to all you hard-working parents, who work, don’t work – whatever it may be! As being a parent is a full-time, hard, and loving job!

Happy Weekend everyone!

Can you tell I’m excited?

P.S. Crown is from the amazing Fable Heart (Claire is amazing at what she does-so I might have to steal missy’s crown for Monday!) and the amazing dress is from Dunnes Stores (last year’s collection however and it only cost €14!).

Posted in Clothes, Family

Clothes, clothes and more clothes

The funny thing about parenting is….

No-one tells you that you’ll no longer care what you’re wearing.

All that matters is that your little person is dressed in something clean and that suits their personality.

I may be wrong to allow a 20 month old to dictate what she wears at times, but I figure, she has all week to wear her comfy stuff to nursery so if she wants to wear her big tutu, so be it (even if it’s really heavy and quite wide!).

I want her to express herself in every way she can. I don’t want to force the colour pink on her. I want her to wear every colour that she can, although not all at once.

#ToddlerPaige can pull off black – she rocks a black polo neck.

#ToddlerPaige can pull off blue – she’s blond and blue-eyed.

#ToddlerPaige can pull off pink – but not the hot-pink!

#toddlerPaige rocks leopard print!

We shop in the boys and girls section. I don’t mind if she wears something that is technically classed as a ‘boys!’ Just the other day I picked up a batman t-shirt from H&M that was only £3 and in the boys section. She’s also got a superman hat and loads of leggings that are technically from the boys section of Zara.

Her wardrobe is pretty endless and this year I did have to stop myself purchasing the boys santa outfit from Penney’s/Primark. She had it last year alright, but as she’s getting a little older she needs outfits that do t have feet on them. But there is so much choice out there for children of all ages.

we love to check out to keep up to date with all things fashion and to help bankrupt us.😂  Oh Baby London also manages to take a chunk of my dosh with all their amazing leopard prints dresses, all in ones and cardis! As well as their signature ‘9 months’ outfits. We’ve also just purchased a crown from Fable Heart which will look amazing at Christmas and my little angel/fairy can dance around the trees! The list is endless…..we can’t forget about PopUpShop though as their swimsuits and onesies are AMAZING!

We love to mix it up everyday! We do fake fur, we do fluff, we do sparkles and we do jumpsuits!

I really enjoy seeing Paige twirling in a new skirt or saying ‘oooh’ to a new pair of jeans….I love how it expresses her personality.

For the month of December we are going to be trying out an outfit-a-day for the advent period as well as a few other things!

If you fancy keeping up to date with us, go over to instagram and check out: @toddling_along – we will be trying to update  the blog as much as possible as well!

Meanwhile, mummy and daddy are walking around in absolute tatters-but we don’t care!

Byebye for now!