Posted in Children's Party, Family, irish bloggers, life, parent bloggers, Party, Toddler

Toddler Party-Animal Style

imageThe funny thing about parenting is…that sometimes as a fully fledged adult who is looking after that little toddler, you’ll forget to give out the party invites and time of said party.

Hands up who else has done this?! Can’t just be us surely? To be honest, it potentially turned out to be a good thing, as Paige really just prefers hanging around with a small number of toddlers/babies at a time. She likes to take stock of those around her and takes her time. My little mistake of forgetting the invites for the kids at nursery did mean she had a load of food and chocolate to eat-as you’ll see from the pictures.

I must admit, I can’t believe I created a pretty table like this. And it was super easy and quite cheap.

I picked the plates,bowls and napkins up in the euro store. And the table cloth and cups where from mr.price. So nice and cheap and did the job perfect. The other decorations were from Tiger, including the grass which suited the theme perfectly and meant easy grabbing for kids!

I made chocolate covered grapes, chocolate rice krispie buns, jelly (with fish decorations) and a lions head out of carrots and hummus. I also bought animal themed marshmallows and dipped one side in chocolate, and they were a hit with adults and children. Paige certainly liked munching on the last few in the bowl and ran away with said bowl.

We picked the cake up from Super Valu on the morning of the party as it’s what Paige picked out! She was super happy and it was super dee duper tasty and only cost €8! They even wrote her name on it and her age.

Dotted around the house, I had a load of balloons filled using a helium tank we purchased. Such a hit with every child. The goodie boxes made up of loads of little bits and pieces were such a since little treat, and Paige is still munching through the leftovers. We bought the boxes-animal themed obviously- on eBay and filled them using animal tattoos and stickers, with Kinder chocolates, Easter themed chocos and bubbles!

Seeing as this was the first party I’ve put together myself, I can’t wait for the next one. (I think I did an okay job!)

Moral of the story though, don’t forget to send out the invites 😁 and always shop around. You don’t need a big, fancy decorated cake. All they want to do is blow out the candles.

If you’d like more info on anything I created/used just leave a note in the comments and I’ll respond. As she gets older, I plan on expanding on the theme a bit more and potentially stock piling decorations to save money in the long run.

Posted in Clothes, Family

Every little girl needs…..

The funny thing about parenting is…

That every little girl needs this dress in their life and her parents know it. Imagine the twirling capabilities.

Right now, what with saving for a house and all (not to mention Christmas) I cannot actually afford this for the little madam.

Kids xxmas

Leo Dress/Silver –

This is available to buy from the AMAZING  and the store is based here in Dublin, Ireland! I have yet to take a trip over (and I feel so bad about that) -weekends are always busy at the minute! If I do manage to get over this side of Christmas, I’m sure I’ll be wearing a black sack on Christmas day.

Posted in Clothes, Family

Clothes, clothes and more clothes

The funny thing about parenting is….

No-one tells you that you’ll no longer care what you’re wearing.

All that matters is that your little person is dressed in something clean and that suits their personality.

I may be wrong to allow a 20 month old to dictate what she wears at times, but I figure, she has all week to wear her comfy stuff to nursery so if she wants to wear her big tutu, so be it (even if it’s really heavy and quite wide!).

I want her to express herself in every way she can. I don’t want to force the colour pink on her. I want her to wear every colour that she can, although not all at once.

#ToddlerPaige can pull off black – she rocks a black polo neck.

#ToddlerPaige can pull off blue – she’s blond and blue-eyed.

#ToddlerPaige can pull off pink – but not the hot-pink!

#toddlerPaige rocks leopard print!

We shop in the boys and girls section. I don’t mind if she wears something that is technically classed as a ‘boys!’ Just the other day I picked up a batman t-shirt from H&M that was only £3 and in the boys section. She’s also got a superman hat and loads of leggings that are technically from the boys section of Zara.

Her wardrobe is pretty endless and this year I did have to stop myself purchasing the boys santa outfit from Penney’s/Primark. She had it last year alright, but as she’s getting a little older she needs outfits that do t have feet on them. But there is so much choice out there for children of all ages.

we love to check out to keep up to date with all things fashion and to help bankrupt us.😂  Oh Baby London also manages to take a chunk of my dosh with all their amazing leopard prints dresses, all in ones and cardis! As well as their signature ‘9 months’ outfits. We’ve also just purchased a crown from Fable Heart which will look amazing at Christmas and my little angel/fairy can dance around the trees! The list is endless…..we can’t forget about PopUpShop though as their swimsuits and onesies are AMAZING!

We love to mix it up everyday! We do fake fur, we do fluff, we do sparkles and we do jumpsuits!

I really enjoy seeing Paige twirling in a new skirt or saying ‘oooh’ to a new pair of jeans….I love how it expresses her personality.

For the month of December we are going to be trying out an outfit-a-day for the advent period as well as a few other things!

If you fancy keeping up to date with us, go over to instagram and check out: @toddling_along – we will be trying to update  the blog as much as possible as well!

Meanwhile, mummy and daddy are walking around in absolute tatters-but we don’t care!

Byebye for now!