Posted in Blogs, Family, irish bloggers, life, LifeStyle, parent bloggers

Reverse Advent Calendar

The funny thing about parenting is…that I see more now than I did when I was young, free and single!

I know I’m super early to be thinking about this, but every day on my way to work and on my way home, I’m seeing so many homeless people. I’m seeing people who I see daily slowly fade away. This morning I bought a guy a coffee and a sandwich. But it really got me thinking. I’ve got so many things at home which I no longer need-clothes/toys and food that I forget about. What I’ll be doing for the lead up to Christmas is creating a reverse advent calendar. But I’ll also be going through our wardrobes and toy collections and dropping them off to charities. I’d love to know if anyone else would love to get involved with me and I can then reach out to charities to see what they’re greatest need is and create an advent calendar for us all to work to (prompts if you will!) and hopefully we’d be able to create a #dublingivingcommunity and #Irishgivingcommunity Anyone else with me? Christmas is such an expensive time of year for everyone but adding a couple of basics to your shopping would be a huge help! It would also remind us to do it! Let me know if anyone wants to join in x

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